Thursday 24 January 2013


Compassion is a space in all of our hearts.

When we listen to another with compassion we do not judge the circumstance  but connect to the soul that is longing. It is a sacred space of connectivity where one forgets about the me, to listen to the yearning of another.

Compassion is a magical place where we find ourselves moved and where our heart expands. Sometime we shun this feeling because it makes us feel vulnerable. Many tears might be shed in it's embrace. As we breathe it in and recognize it's presence we find ourselves sweetened by it's perfume.

When we first learn to be compassionate we might experience it so strongly, shedding tears for seemingly the smallest things. This sometimes overwhelming wave is nothing we should fear or judge, as it roots its way to anchor itself within us. These overwhelming emotions will soon subside to a place of peace.

Compassion is something we need to also feel for ourselves. Looking at our own journey we realize  instances where we might have been kinder to our own senses. No need here to show how strong and brave we are,  just letting go and knowing we are safe in it's presence.

When compassion takes root within we see the world in more understanding and less judgemental light. We look at all creature great and small, we see our fellow man, we bask in the beauty of nature with the power to see all of it's aspects; now we see all points of view, all side of the equation. We respond now to all with understanding. Compassion teaches us to Love.

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